What is The Most Important Vitamin in Celery?

What’s the most important nutrient that you can find in fresh-cut celery? Well, many think that it’s the Vitamin C.

That’s one of the most popular notion to try and find Vitamin C in your fruit and vegetable as this is one of the most common medical treatment for different kinds of health conditions such as arthritis and different forms of cancer. But the fact of the matter is that the Vitamin C in the celery isn’t that good.

Just recently a study was conducted to test the Vitamin C in celery for its ability to help with certain health conditions. This resulted in a very large number of people being poisoned because they ate something that had already been contaminated with the virus called the Hepatitis C virus.

What was shocking about this was that the seed of the celery didn’t get affected at all. It was the right side of the whole route that got contaminated. The best example is the celery and the cream.

When people enjoy eating the fresh-cut in salads and tubs, then the more important factor is not the Vitamin C in the celery. The more important factor is actually the tomato seeds that are in the vegetables that has been sliced or dried.

For instance, if you have been eating the celery and the cream in a bowl and there is no tomato seeds in it, then you are still getting the nutrition that you would have got had there been the celery and the cream in the bowl. But the nice thing is that it is the seeds that don’t get consumed that help absorb the Vitamin C in the celery that isn’t that great.

So just to let you know, the Vitamin C in celery isn’t that good. It has been only a very limited use, that it has in the area of nutrition.