“Does Celery Juice Make You Lose Weight?” has been burning many a person’s brain for quite some time. Actually, if you ever talk to your doctor, he will likely be of the opinion that a proper diet regimen is the real solution for that pesky weight loss that your friends and family tell you about. What they are not telling you, however, is that proper diet alone may not be the real cure, and you may find yourself looking in the mirror in the morning and wondering why you are no longer the desirable shape you once were.
There is a small amount of truth to these rumors, as studies have shown that some vegetables are extremely filling, while others tend to wear out your stomach instead of the belly. We all know that some people do not become skinny by eating celery, celery juice or a parsnip seed capsule. What you are asking is whether or not drinking celery juice will reduce the weight in your body. In some cases, it may, but to a very limited extent.
The bigger part of the truth lies in the fact that many people are not drinking enough water. The amount of water you take in will have a strong effect on your weight. Furthermore, too much water in your body will simply cause you to be dehydrated. All these factors combine to make celery juice a very unreliable weight loss supplement. If you cannot have the occasional glass of lemonade, your best bet for weight loss is water.